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20 mile run in Vibram FiveFingers & barefoot

Today’s 20 mile training run proved to me the aphorism “always train the way you intend to race” is ABSOLUTELY great advice!

I was feeling strong and holding a steady 12 min/mile pace in my Vibram Five Fingers through the first 11 miles around Hazel Green. Then at about 11.25 miles, the middle toes on my right foot went numb. I took off the VFF’s and shed the Injini toe socks I’d added to prevent blisters, rubbed the feeling back into my toes, and continued. I made it another mile in the bare VFF’s before I had to stop again. Best I can figure, as my feet slowly swelled with the mileage, somehow the VFF’s were crimping the nerves in my toes. I slowly made my way to a Sonic restaurant, stopped for about 20 minutes to refuel, massage and elevate my feet, then continued on.

I felt better, still in VFF’s, and pressed for more mileage. Up until about 17. Then it got bad; the numbness struck again and it felt more serious. I shucked the VFF’s and started to call my wife to ask if she’d bring me my Nike Free Runs. I’ve done several 20 milers in them without issue, and I wasn’t about to quit at mile 17 unless I was limping or bleeding.

I got out my cell and as I was about to dial, I realized my bare toes could feel the asphalt.

“Hey, I have feet that work!” And plan B was implemented.

I ran miles 18 through 20 barefoot, without experiencing any numbness. All in all, a little scary, but a highly educational run! Thanks, all my running buddies! If that VFF numbness had occurred during a full marathon, I undoubtedly would have pushed on, and might have caused myself serious damage.

Lesson learned? Aways listen to your friends, pay attention to your body, and don’t lock yourself into preconceived limitations 🙂

With my wife before a race, wearing my VFF Bikila’s

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Ann's Running Commentary

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Barefoot Andy

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - Henry David Thoreau

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Blog by a barefoot runner • Blog de una corredora descalza


a runners journey into barefoot running and VFF's

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....for the love of bare foot running....especially in Vibram Five Fingers

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In Training

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Team Willis

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Natural Running Canada

#InjuryFreeRunning for all runners! The barefoot way.


just a barefoot analog nomad in a shod digital world